Olivia, from Meanwhile, In Rivendell... has nominated me once again for an award. Thanks, Olivia!
Actually, she nominated me for two awards! Each award contains eleven questions, so...whew!...I'd better get busy!
First off is the Infinity Dreams Award:
Rules being:
1. Thank and link to the blogger/s who nominated you. (THANK YOU, OLIVIA!)
2. Answer the 11 questions. (Will do.)
3. Nominate/tag eleven bloggers and ask them eleven questions. (Well...I might fudge the rules a bit there.)
#1. Do you have a hero (someone who has inspired you)?
My father, probably. I don't usually refer to anyone as my hero, but he would be the closest to that description, I'm thinking. :)
#2. Books touch us all: which book or story has touched you in particular?
Some that come to mind are:
Little Women (by Lousia May Alcott)
The Chronicles of Narnia (by C.S. Lewis)
The Knowledge of the Holy (by A. W. Tozer)
The Lord of the Rings (by J.R.R. Tolkein)
Stepping Heavenward (by Elizabeth Prentiss)
#3. What was one of the most ridiculous things you have done in front of a stranger?
I tipped the cart over in the grocery store when I was around 8 years old. I was standing on the side of it and then all of sudden it all went over. I'm pretty sure the cashier saw me. And, yeah, it was very embarrassing.
#4. Do you have any pastimes or hobbies?
I like to crochet and knit...though I haven't done very much of that recently. I also like to read, and watch movies, and have long talks with the members of my family.
#5. What is a book or movie that you fangirl over excessively?
Well, if you asked my siblings they would probably tell you that I'm slightly obsessed over The Donna Reed Show. However, I don't tend to go overboard on the fangirling, because I'm afraid most people would not share my enthusiasm...and then of course I would be very embarrassed! :)
#6. What are some of your life's goals/dreams (say as little or as much as you like...)?
I really want to be a wife and mother. Also, I'd love to write a novel someday...though I guess that's more of a dream than a goal since I haven't done much toward accomplishing it. I never can seem to get my thoughts sufficiently organized to get any of my stories down on paper. Most importantly, though, I want to accomplish God's will for my life, whatever that may be.
#7. What is something you wished you were better at?
Transferring my thoughts to paper. That would be so helpful!
#8. What character from a book or movie do you love?
Well, honestly, one of my favorite movie characters right now is Jeff Stone, from The Donna Reed Show.
Probably most people wouldn't share my enthusiasm for him but I just really like his character! He's entertaining...and funny...and loveable. :) Not perfect by any means, but such a dear heart when he wants to be. (Of course, the annoying thing about TV shows is that you can't always be sure about a character since they often tend to change as the show goes on. At least that's what I've noticed. So I'll just say for the record, that I like Jeff particularly in the fourth season, and I really hope he stays the same throughout the whole series.)
#9. What character from a book or movie do you hate?
Oooh. One of those. Well, the first one that comes to mind is Rigaud from Little Dorrit. He is perfectly horrid.
#10. Have you ever cried when reading a book?
Well, I'm not sure that I've ever cried, cried...like sobbed or anything...but I have almost cried. It was several years ago, while I was reading Jo's Boys. I got to the part where Dan is locked up in prison and...yeah...it just kind of got to me.
#11. Where would your dream vacation be?
We've never done huge vacations, so vacation in my mind usually spells "Grandma and Grandpa's house." I guess that would be dream enough for me. ...Hey! I was just there! What do you know? Dreams can come true! :D
Okay, moving on to the second award...
1. Answer the eleven questions of the tagger.
2. Share eleven facts about yourself.
3. Nominate up to eleven other bloggers
4. Ask those nominees eleven new questions.
#1. Do you have a favorite mug or teacup?
I have a mug with a picture of a robin on it which is the mug I usually drink out of when we're having hot chocolate. It's about the only one I own so I guess it's my favorite. Oh, and that little yellow mug that I used to drink out of when I was little...that's special, too.
#2. Are you an adventurous eater? (Do you try "strange" foods?)
Not if I can help it. I did finally try pickles the other year and decided I liked them. Oh, but that's not very strange, is it?
#3. What fandoms are you into?
None, I guess.
#4. What famous author/book do you not really care for?
I did not like Pollyanna very much. I got part way through it and stopped because it was annoying me. Also the Anne books. I read quite a few of them and enjoyed them, but then they got annoying, too, because every character had their little thing that they were always saying and it got a little too repetitive. For me, anyway.
#5. What obscure author/book are you nuts about?
I don't know that I'm actually nuts about it, but one of my favorite books is The Fisherman's Lady by George MacDonald. Also the sequel, The Marquis' Secret. Those are both excellent books.
#6. What's the oldest movie you've ever watched?
Well, I can't remember every single movie I've ever watched so I can't say for certain, but I guess one of the oldest ones would be the 1933 version of Little Women, starring Katharine Hepburn. However, it's been a long time since I watched that movie, and I don't really remember it, so I'm going to include another old movie, which I like better. Captain's Courageous. This one was made in 1937.
#7. What did you have for breakfast today?
Cereal. Frosted Shredded Wheat, to be precise.
#8. When did you first see your favorite movie?
I don't have an absolute
favorite movie, so I'll just choose Pride and Prejudice (1995). I don't actually remember the first time I saw it
but I know I was
under the age of seven. I have a vague recollection of waking up
from a nap and
having my sisters descend upon me, telling me all about this new movie they had
just started
watching. They were already divvying out characters for us to play and
said I could be
the "funny girl," Lydia. :) (We were all too young to
realize what kind of a character Lydia really was. Ha ha!)
#9. Do you prefer fantasy or sci-fi?
Definitely not sci-fi. I've never really read any, but I've always considered it too weird for my tastes. I like some fantasy (Narnia and Lord of the Rings) so I guess I would have to go with fantasy over sci-fi.
#10. What did you expect your blog to be like when you started it?
Eeek! I don't know. I was really into a certain movie version of Nicholas Nickleby when I started so I guess I expected to do a little more writing on that particular subject. As it happened, I got a little sidetracked and have not mentioned it once!
#11. Has it changed? If so, how?
Not very much, I guess, since I didn't have a definite plan for what I wanted my blog to be like. I'm still trying to figure it out.
Thanks again, Olivia, for nominating me! These questions were a lot of fun!
I'm going to skip the eleven facts about myself because I'm already talked out and have nothing else to say at the moment :) Also, I'm going to break all the other rules and not ask any new questions or nominate anyone. I hope that's okay.
...I need to get away from this computer!