Tuesday, February 20, 2018

In keeping with the romantic theme for February...let's talk proposals

Hey, girls!  Here's a question for you.  Have you ever considered how you would like your future husband to propose to you?  You HAVEN'T?!  My dear girls, WHY NOT?  This is essential to your happiness.  You'd better think it through and come up with a good plan--and then be sure to let all your closest friends and family know so that they can give the proper hints to your intended whenever he happens to come on the scene--because a proposal is a HUGE big deal, and it must be special and memorable and absolutely perfect. 

(Don't tell me I'm being sarcastic.  I know that.)
Let's consider a few options.
~The Scenic Walk Proposal~

This one's a definite winner.  Nice and simple.  No fuss and feathers.  Just thank him profusely for some gentlemanly act of his, and then make it as clear as clear can be that the bad opinion you once had of him is now entirely reversed.  He may not go down on one knee and say all sorts of silly romantic things to you but...who cares?  The look of relief and happiness on his face when you say "yes" is sure to make up for all that.
~Romance in the Rain~

If you're going for a more epically romantic setting, I suggest you order in some rain.  Because who wouldn't choose to have this conversation of conversations while drenched to the skin, huddled under a tiny umbrella, with water dripping from the ends of your hair and down into your face, and...I mean really!  What could be more pleasant and delightful than that? 
~The Living Room Proposal~
Some may say this is not a proper proposal at all simply because it's too simple, but I say simple has it's place and sometimes simpler is better!  Just make sure you have a mom who's an expert at winking or this set up may not work for you all that well.
~The Picnic Proposal~
Now here's a nice setting for you.   Sitting down for a picnic under a large spreading tree, in front of a babbling, rippling brook.  You can't miss.  Your man is sure to be in the mood for proposing in such an environment.  Plus you will remember that place fondly for the rest of your life.  (Which is a key ingredient for a good proposal.  The place, the time, the day, everything, must be remembered vividly...forever.  Really.  It has to be that special, or it's a no go.) 
~The Well Thought Out, Overly Ambitious Proposal~
This is the kind of proposal every girl dreams of right?  Where the man puts so much thought and effort into the occasion that...ahem...one begins to wonder whether he didn't hire a film crew to arrange the whole thing for him.  But oh the romance of it!  And he even goes down on one knee.  Which is just so romantic because like nobody ever does that, am I right?!  *sigh*
(But what I really want to know is...how, when, and where did he scrounge up all those jars of candles?  Talk about being proposed to by candlelight.)  (Talk about excessive.)
~On Stage Proposal~
Speaking of going big on proposals, some men like to make a real slam-bang show of it.  Like taking you up on stage and proposing to you in front of a huge audience.  This is really romantic, especially when you had no idea it was coming.  I mean I know I've always wanted to have a thousand pairs of eyes on me as my man bursts into a romantic song (or simply goes down on one knee in that oh so original fashion.) 

~That Stranger in the Barnyard~

For those of you who are getting older and more desperate, do consider setting aside your romantic ideals.  Just say yes to that outspoken stranger who comes upon you as you're milking the cow in the dirty old barnyard.  Who cares about appearances and beautiful settings and all that?  Grab that man up and deal with the consequences thereafter.  (Because, you know.  As long as you don't get that sinking feeling after saying yes, you should be good, right?)

~The Prison Proposal~
Alright I admit, this one is leaning strongly on the side of the unconventional.  But you're really desperate now.  So forget about waiting for his proposal.  Propose to him!  And don't take into account the fact that he's in prison and extremely depressed about his current situation, just do it.  After all, not every proposal can end in a happily ever after, and what's life without a little risk?  (Hint: After this failed attempt go and find some way to lose all your money.  I guarantee, it'll help tremendously.)
Well I guess that about covers it.   You should be able to come up with a satisfactory proposal idea from these examples, I should think.  And if not, well, write to me and I'll try and come up with something better.  There's always the "carrying the girl off by force" technique.  That's proven to have good results.
Take it from the Pontipees.
And maybe after all you would prefer such a unique approach.  (Girls have been be known to prefer sillier things.)  In which case, give me your guy's contact information and I'll let him know how things stand.  Just leave it to me.  I'll arrange everything.  I only suggest that you be on the alert for cat calls in the night, open windows, and other similarly dangerous situations.
Okay enough of the silliness.  Let's be serious. 
If you had to choose between the above mentioned proposals (the settings, not the situations...like if you want to be proposed to in a barnyard by someone you actually know that can definitely be an option) which would you choose? 
Do you like the idea of a public declaration in front of loads of people, or do you prefer something more intimate, just between you and your man?  Do want your guy to put a lot into it and plan out a whole big event, or would you prefer something simple and spontaneous?  We really must hash out these details because you never know when they might come in handy.
For me personally, I'm very much leaning toward the relaxed, spontaneous approach.  And furthermore, I think I'm pretty much decided that I do not want him to go down on one knee.  I know that's supposed to be the proper, romantic way to do it, but when everybody does it, it kind of loses it's romantic charm.  (In my opinion anyway.) 
So yeah, if I had to choose, I think it would be a toss-up between the Scenic Walk Proposal and the Living Room Proposal.  Because I like simple.  And if he doesn't give me a ring right away I'm okay with that, too.  In fact, my sisters and I have decided that it would be rather fun to have your guy propose to you and then say, "Alright.  Now we're going on a date to pick out your ring!"  And you'd get to go and pick it out with him.  I mean, wouldn't that just be really sweet?
Okay, I think I've rambled on long enough.  If you're still in doubt as to the purpose of this post well...that makes two of us.   I propose we end it here and think no more of it.  What do you say?

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Lovely Blog Party // Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre

Hello all!  I'm participating in Cordy's Lovely Blog Party which is being held at Every Merry Little Thought for the entire month of February!  (Click here for details.)   
The goal for this month is to dedicate at least one post to a favorite fictional couple.  I've chosen Mr. Rochester and Jane because I just recently re-watched the 1983 movie version of this classic novel and I came away from it with a renewed feeling of appreciation for these two characters.  Seriously, if you want a study in character this is your story!  Charlotte Bronte certainly didn't go for one dimensional, cardboard people. 
After my recent viewing of the film I had plans to write a post specifically about Mr. Rochester, but when Cordy mentioned the idea of this blog party I rethought it and decided a post about both of them would work just as well.  (Maybe better.) 
So here we are.  And I'm going to jump right in and see where this goes.  Hopefully as I write, this post will organize itself into something cohesive because at this point I'm not really sure where it's headed.  (I'm so on top of this.)

Warning:  I'm not going to try and avoid spoilers, so if you're not familiar with this story and have plans for reading the book someday you probably don't want to read this post.  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

*sigh*  There's something so special about Jane and Mr. Rochester's love story.  There's a depth of understanding and a oneness between them that you don't often see in other fictional couples, at least not to the extent you do here.  They simply "speak each other's language."  They come from entirely different backgrounds, are about twenty years different in age, and yet for some reason they're able to connect with one another like no one else has ever connected with them.  They really, truly understand the workings of the other.  (As far as anyone can understand another human being that is, since of course there will always be some mystery.  No person can be fully known by anyone except God Himself.  Just puttin' that out there.) 

In some ways Jane and Mr. Rochester seem vastly different from each other.  Jane is quiet and proper and to all appearances submissive.  Mr. Rochester is demanding and can often be harsh and overbearing.  But in thinking about this I realized that there are some real similarities between them as well.  They both have a protective streak in them that makes them reach out and take care of those who are in need.  They don't concern themselves overly much with what other people think of them.  And they are both extremely passionate. 

Jane while seeming to be one who could be easily trod upon is anything but that.  She holds her own with a vengeance.  And Mr. Rochester, while almost cruel at times, really has a far more tender heart than most people probably give him credit for.  And Jane sees that in him.

In other words, they're a great match for each other. 

And now.  A few points about them as individuals. 


Okay, wow.  Jane is such an amazing character, I'm not even quite sure where to begin.  But I think I'm going to have to use bullet points and just rattle off some things I love about her.
  • First off, have you ever realized what a forgiving person Jane is?  She's had a lot of hardship in her life.  A lot of ill-treatment.  I'm thinking particularly of her growing up years, with her aunt and cousins.  Her aunt was cruel to her and cast her off, and yet years later when her aunt is on the point of dying Jane is there forgiving her and asking for her forgiveness, and trying to reach out to her. 

"If you could but be persuaded to think no more of it, aunt, and to regard me with kindness and forgiveness-" 

"Many a time, as a little child, I should have been glad to love you if you would have let me; and I long earnestly to be reconciled to you now;" 

"Love me, then, or hate me, as you will.  You have my full and free forgiveness: ask now for God's , and be at peace." 

Wow.  I don't think I have to add anymore to that, do I? 
  • The way she cares for Adelle.  And how she treats her even more tenderly after hearing her history and finding out that she is illegitimate.

  • I love how she's not afraid of Mr. Rochester (since he can be rather frightening at times) but how she genuinely cares about him.  Also how she's able to meet him at his own games and tease him and give him a hard time just as he does to her.
"...can't you give me a charm, or a philter, or something of that sort, to make me a handsome man?"
     "It would be past the power of magic, sir."  :)

  • Jane loves Mr. Rochester.  Despite his past.  Despite all his present faults and failings.  She loves him.  But when that twist of all twists comes and she realizes he has a wife still living (a wife who is mad, yes, but still his wife) she immediately pulls back.  She doesn't love him any less (indeed, it's breaking her heart to be separated from him as much as it's breaking his) but she will not go against her conscience.  She will do what's right no matter how hard it is.  And I find that truly inspiring.  In other cases I feel like the heroine would either 1. give in to him or 2. hate him, and yet Jane doesn't do either of those things.  She loves him, and she leaves him, knowing that it's the right thing for both of them.

~Mr. Rochester~

Mr. Complicated, right?  I can see how some people might really dislike Mr. Rochester.  I mean, he's not exactly your typical, moral hero.  However, if you like Jane I really don't see how you can hate Mr. Rochester.  Because Jane likes Mr. Rochester.  And she ought to be the best judge of character in this case, right?
Mr. Rochester is indeed a complicated character.  He's not perfect.  (Far from it!)  He makes some pretty awful decisions.  He is in many respects selfish and harsh, and unkind to people, but at the same time...
Okay, let me just tell you some things I've noticed about Mr. Rochester that are super cool.
  • First, can we just get a little understanding of what a hard life he's had, and how those hardships have played a role in shaping him into the complicated person he is?  Thinking about some of the main events in his past I realized he's been betrayed an awful lot.  First by his father and brother in arranging his marriage to Bertha Mason while purposefully withholding from him the fact of her mental condition.  Secondly by his friend, Richard Mason, who also withheld this information from him.  (And it hadn't hit me so before but Richard was his friend.  Someone he should have been able to trust.)  And thirdly, he was betrayed by Adelle's mother.  Made to believe that she loved him, he showered her with all sorts of things and gave himself up to her, only to find out there was another man in the picture as well.  Ouch.  Ouch.  And triple ouch.  (Granted, his own decisions play into these betrayals as well.  He did make bad choices.  The fact that he realizes this later in life and regrets it, says a lot for his character though.  He definitely has a desire to be a better person.)

And despite all his faults, he does have some good qualities which persist in showing themselves.
  • He takes care of Adelle.  He doesn't believe that she's his child (or won't believe it at any rate) but when she's left with no mother he takes her in and provides for her even though she has no legal claim on him.  (And this, too, after the treatment he'd received from her mother.  Like wow.)   I won't say he's extremely nice to Adelle, he does have a sort of begrudging attitude toward her much of the time, but the fact remains...he took care of her even though it may not have been what he wanted to do.
  • He cares about Richard Mason.  They were friends after all.  And when Richard gets hurt he does all he can toward helping with his recovery.
     "Take care of him," said Mr. Rochester to the latter [the doctor], "and keep him at your house till he is quite well: I shall ride over in a day or two to see how he gets on.  Richard, how is it with you?"
     "The fresh air revives me, Fairfax."
     "Leave the window open on his side, Carter; there is no wind--goodbye, Dick."
    He called him 'Dick'.  Okay, don't ask me why, but I like that.  And I think it's really significant, because you usually only call people you're close to by nicknames.  And thus it emphasizes the fact again that they're more than just casual acquaintances.  Which I think is important because we can get the idea of Mr. Rochester sometimes that he doesn't care about anyone.  And granted he is rather harsh to Richard at times because he fears what Richard might do to expose his secret.  But I think underneath all that he really does care about him.  (And other people as well.)
  • Okay, this one is a huge point.  The way Mr. Rochester cares for his wife.  First off he doesn't love her.  And honestly it's hard to love someone who've you never really known...and one who in fact hates you.  (Which she does. )  Also one whom you can never hope to have a real relationship with.  But he provides for her.  He does what he can.  And to clap the climax he risks his own life at the end to save hers.  I mean we talk about people risking their lives to save those they love.  How about a person who risks their life for someone they don't love?  Someone who has in fact attempted to kill them on more than one occasion?  Such a person either has a very strong sense of duty or a far more compassionate heart than they let on.
  • Mr. Rochester's kindness to Jane.  He treats her as an equal and for one of the first times in her life she has the comfort of feeling valued and not put down by another human being.  I love that about him.  (And sorry, but I'm just going to have to quote another part from the book because it's simply too good to pass up.)
Mr. Rochester had sometimes read my unspoken thoughts with an acumen to me incomprehensible: in the present instance he took no notice of my abrupt vocal response; but he smiled at me with a certain smile he had of his own, and which he used but on rare occasions.  He seemed to think it too good for common purposes: it was the real sunshine of feeling - he shed it over me now.
     'Pass, Janet," said he, making room for me to cross the stile: "go up home, and stay your weary little wandering feet at a friend's threshold."
     All I had now to do was to obey him in silence: no need for me to colloquies further.  I got over the stile without a word, and meant to leave him calmly.  An impulse held me fast - a force turned me round.  I said - or something in me said for me, and in spite of me - "Thank you, Mr. Rochester, for your great kindness.  I am strangely glad to get back again to you: and wherever you are is my home - my only home."
Seriously.  Aren't they so sweet?
Okay, so judging from the all that I've had to say about Mr. Rochester I guess it's pretty obvious that I'm highly sympathetic toward him.  As I said before he's not a model hero-- not by any stretch of the imagination--and he's not really a man to be emulated--at least not at the beginning.  But by the end, wow.  What a powerful picture of redemption. 
"I thank my Maker, that, in the midst of judgement, he has remembered mercy.  I humbly entreat my Redeemer to give me strength to lead henceforth a purer life than I have done hitherto!" 
Mr. Rochester
Isn't that an awesome conclusion?  And it really hits home, too, because that's us, people.  Everyone of us.  Sinners redeemed by Christ's unfailing love and mercy.  Just wow.
(Okay, did that get sort of deep or what?  Sorry I'm afraid I have a tendency to overthink things.  This was supposed to be just a simple post about a favorite fictional couple and here I ended up sermonizing.  Or something close to it anyway.  Pardon me.  I think I'll leave now before I thoroughly convince you that I'm a nut when it comes to studying fictional characters.)
This was written for Cordy's Lovely Blog Party.  Don't forget to head over to her blog and check out some more of this month's posts!
Tell me, do you get a kick out of delving into the intricacies of fictional characters?  What is your opinion of Jane and Mr. Rochester?  
Let's talk about it!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Guess what, guys?!!


Alright so it will only be news to those of you who haven't already heard it.  The rest of you will just have to join Emma in saying...
"That is hardly news!"
But news or not it's still worth talking about because...CORDY IS HOSTING A BLOG PARTY, PEOPLE!  And it's going to be great fun!  In fact, it's already started, but don't worry!  You have plenty of time to participate because this party isn't your typical week long thing.  This party lasts for the entire month of February!  And it's all about favorite fictional couples.  What could be better than that?
So yeah, head on over to Cordy's blog and join the fun! 

Here's a couple posts to get you started.
~Cordy's original post where she explains how the party works, and where you can see the list of posts people are planning to write for the event. 
~And then if you're interested in tags, click here for the official tag post.  Which by the by is what I'm here for today.  'Cause no party is complete without a tag, right?  And this tag looks exceptionally fun!  (So I'm gonna do it.)  (Any objections?  No? Well, good then, because I wouldn't have listened to your objections anyway.  Haha.)
Without further ado, the...

~Couples for Couples, Lovely Blog Party Tag~ 


Using the prompts below, answer the following questions as creatively as you please

None of the questions require you to answer with a favorite in the category, only to find a fitting answer. They can be old, they can be new, they can be borrowed or they can be blue... they can be known or they can be unknown. You can explain your answer once you've given one.

Name a couple that should have been together
Diana Barry and Gilbert Blythe.  They would have been so perfect together, don't you think?!  And Diana liked Gilbert.  It should have happened!  *cries*

Name a couple that should have stayed friends...or did stay friends...
ANNE AND GILBERT OF COURSE!   Because like I said, Gilbert and Diana should have ended up together.  Anne and Gilbert were great as friends, but as a couple?  No, that was just wrong! 
Wait!  NO!  Don't shoot, don't shoot!  I'm only kidding.  Really.  You didn't honestly believe that was my real opinion, did you?  Seriously, I WAS JOKING!!!!  (Wow.  I think I almost lost my head on that one.)  
Okay.  Let's begin again.  I'll try and be serious this time.  (If I can.  'Hem.)
Name a couple that should have been together
John Chivery and Amy Dorritt.  (Miss March. You're doing it again.)  *gasp*  I am?  Oh, pardon me.  I don't know what's gotten into me today. (And now I mentioned John.  Why did I do that?  Poor Jooooohn!!! *sobs*)
Alright.  Hold on a moment.  Let me think.  I'll come up with something.  I will.
*think, think, think*
Ah!  I've got one!  (With the help of my brother because I honestly couldn't think of anyone but he reminded me and I'm forever grateful.)  Tristan and Alice from All Creatures Great and Small (second season). 
Okay, technically Tristan isn't fictional but from what I heard a lot of his storylines were made up in the series so...it can count right?  And he and Alice so should have ended up together.   Really!  She was perfect for him.  So sweet and caring, and she called out the best in him.  (Which is quite a tricky thing to do with Tristan, you know.  Haha.)  And plus, THEY WERE JUST SO SWEET TOGETHER!  I was really annoyed that Alice was only in like two episodes.  Like why?  (That wasn't nice, filmmakers.)
Name a couple that should have stayed friends...or did stay friends...
I agree with Cordy!  JO AND LAURIE ALL THE WAY!  They were meant to be friends.  Totally and completely.  And brother-in-law and sister-in-law?  EVEN BETTER! 
Name a couple that looked like the chances of a happily ever after were next to none!
Paula and Smithy from Random Harvest.  My heart, the things that couple went through! 

Name a couple that is just sooo happy!

Lizzy and Mr. Darcy.  Especially in this scene here.  You can literally feel their happiness.

Name your favorite fairytale couple
Now wait a minute, Cordy!  I thought you said there weren't any "favorites" in this game. This isn't fair.  I'll have you know you've just made this extremely difficult for me.   *pouts*
Okay fine.  I'm going to be boring and go with Kit and Ella because I can't think of any others I like better.  (This was not a nice question.  Why couldn't Cordy have simply said, "Name a fairytale couple"?  Why did it have to be "a favorite fairytale couple"?  Ohhh, that wasn't nice...not nice at all, precious...  *goes off mumbling*) 

Name a couple where the woman is basically ignored by the suitor until the end of the story (frustration at it's finest!! :P :P)
Max and 99 from Get Smart.  I mean, "Come on, Max.  Get your act together!  Can't you see 99 loves you?"
Thankfully by the fourth season he finally gets the message.  :)
Isn't this an adorable picture?

Name a couple that found love later in life
Mr. Chips and Katherine.
I don't know how old "later in life" is supposed to be so they may not quite fit, but at any rate I know Mr. Chips wasn't super young when they met, and even if Katherine was still in her twenties, well.  As an old maid of twenty-five years myself, I'd say that's quite late enough.  :P

Name a couple from a musical
Maria and Captain Von Trapp
Name a couple that didn't start out on the right foot

That would be like every single fictional couple ever right?  I mean, there is a law against fictional couples starting out on the right foot, isn't there?  (Hahaha.)

I'm going with Dusty and Donavan.  Because yeah.  Those first few moments of their marriage?  Very promising indeed.  (Not.)
Name a couple with the sweetest love story

Right.  I know these two aren't fictional (neither were Maria and Captain Von Trapp for that matter) but can I include them anyway?  Please?  Because their story is so sweet and I just can't think of a better one right now.

I realize these two didn't have a happy ending but aside from that their whole relationship is just so adorable, I had to mention it.  After all, they're one couple that was on the right foot from the beginning, and that's quite surprising (and refreshing).  (Oh, but that's right.  They were real people.  Not fictional.  Do you think that's the difference?  Can it be possible that people in real life are often more sensible than people in fiction?  ;))

Well, I guess that's it!  Tell me, which of the couples mentioned in this post are you familiar with, and which ones have you never heard of before?  Who's your favorite fairytale couple?