Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The TRULY Romantic Tag // Lovely Blog Party

Cordy's Lovely Blog Party has begun!  You can join the fun by checking out the official kick-off post on her blog Any Merry Little Thought

I'm going to be starting off my participation by filling out the lovely tag she created, which I hope will prove enlightening and entertaining to you all. 

Oh that's okay.  Don't bother.  I'll do it for you. 

What?!  No!  You can't just come in here and steal my post from me.

Trust me.  It will be better this way.  A post such as this requires very delicate handling, and can only be written by one who knows and understands what romance truly is.

But that's ridiculous.  Why would you understand it better than me?

Experience, my dear chap, experience.

Yeah right.  Like you have any more experience than I do. 

Now, now, don't be sassy.  Be quiet rather, and allow me to proceed.

Am I going to regret this?

Oh probably.
~Isn't it romantic to be serenaded?~
Why of course, of course it is! That's just the thing to melt any girl's heart. And it wouldn't be awkward at all--dear me no!--standing there on one's balcony, fidgeting with one's cellphone fan, unsure where exactly to look, while one's true love squawks out an endless song all about his love for you...and the automobiles whiz past on the busy street out front and you wonder what on earth the people in those said vehicles are thinking as they pass by and whether the heat washing over your face is really just the heat of the day or something else altogether and whether you're supposed to clap for him when he's done or just smile down romantically...*deep breath*...oh but it's a dream! An absolute dream.  (Or maybe you just wish it was and that pinching yourself really could be a means of exiting it.)
~Isn't it romantic to have pet names for each other?~
Indubitably.  Absoluteably.  My dearest little, Chu-chi Face, could there be any other answer to that question?

*gasp from Miss March*  Of ALL the references you could have made, that may well be the worst.

*grins*  You're welcome.

~Isn't it romantic if he wants you to look him in the eye?~
Well, that all  depends on what kind of look me in the eye we're talking about here.

You're awful!!  This isn't a truly romantic tag at all!  You're making it utterly unromantic.  What is your problem??!

Now, now.  Don't fly off the handle.  And stop interrupting.  Aren't you always telling me that's rude?
~Isn't it romantic to be carried across the threshold?~
*Solemn look of deep contemplation*  Ahem.  Somehow I feel that would entirely depend on the weight of the one being carried.  *pointed look at Miss March* 

Are you insinuating something?

Me?  Of course not! Whatever do you mean?

Forget it.  Why do I even try?

~Isn't it romantic to receive flowers and chocolates?~
Chocolates?!  Did someone say chocolates? 

Romantic or not...doesn't matter!!  JUST DON'T YOU EVER SAY NO TO CHOCOLATE!

~Isn't it romantic to get caught in the rain?~
Humph.  They say it is, but I can't help feeling that the topmost thought in one's brain at such a moment would not be "oh how perfectly romantic!" but rather "How and when and where am I going to be able to get out of this mess and change into dry clothes??  And why oh why oh why do these things always happen to me???!"

(And now my hunny's wet, too.  Oh bother.)
~Isn't it romantic to dance?~
Again, the infamous "they" (whoever they may be) says that it is, but of course I shouldn't depend on it too much.  There's a lot that goes into dancing and if you're not very good at it well...let's just say "Pop Goes the Weasel" and "Flop goes you."

Oh, you really are so funny.  *eyeroll*

I know.
~Isn't it romantic if he asks for your parent's permission to marry you?~
Naturally!  I've always found it extremely romantic, especially when one is in the thick of wedding plans and the thought suddenly springs to mind, "Oh yeah!  Asking the parent's permission.  We still have to check that off the list."  So you go and do it.  And the parents say, "Didn't we already talk about this?"  And you say, "No.  Not officially."  And they say, "Oh.  Well, that's funny."  (But really he should ask your parent's permission to marry you.  I don't know that I'd necessarily call it romantic, but I'd say it's the right thing to do, and I'd call it very nice indeed. Just sayin'.  :))
~Isn't it romantic to be rescued?~
Actually, no.  I never find it all romantic to be rescued because the situation you must find yourself in in order to need rescuing quite drives all thought of romance out of the question and all one can really think about is "GET ME OUT OF HERE I CARE NOT HOW!"  I mean really! Practically speaking, that does seem as if it would be the most natural reaction.  Don't you agree?
~Isn't it romantic to stargaze?~
Could be.  Though the crook in your neck by the end of the night might possibly bring up second thoughts on the matter.  Just sayin'.
Well, that's all folks! 

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this!  And thank you, Cordy, for coming up with all the fun questions.  I enjoyed myself immensely. 

(Of course you did.  Stolen posts are always fun for the one who steals them...)

Precisely!  My thoughts exactly!

Why are you posing as Bugs Bunny?  (I'm a little concerned.)

Because he has good facial expressions.  Don't you agree?

Well!  Gotta run!!

Oh good grief. embarrassed...for you.
Thanks, Doc!
Don't even...  Okay!  That's it.  We're ending this post right now! Good-bye everyone!
P.S. Miss March would like to make it perfectly clear that the sentiments conveyed in this post are not necessarily representative of her true feelings on each and every subject.  She also wishes to apologize for Mr. Smart Aleck's downplay and disrespect for romance and all that, and asks that you will forgive her as well for being weak enough to allow him take over her post.  (I think in the end she only allowed it because she really wasn't sure what her true feelings were.  It's called a cop-out.  She's good at that.)