Well, I'm happy to inform you that Miss March is feeling a whole lot better since writing that post on Wednesday. Writing out all the frustrations must have relieved a good deal of the pressure (or perhaps simply getting into a new day made everything seem better), because she is now feeling much more at ease and not nearly so stressed as she was before. In fact--and I feel rather silly in saying this--she's back to planning Christmas posts again and is commenting on other people's blogs just as much as she was before. (Changeable lass.)
Here's the thing: Miss March really was stressed the other day, and that's because she has a tendency to put too many expectations on herself--if she doesn't comment on someone else's post within a day or two of reading it, then she feels behind. If she doesn't comment on every single post she reads, then she feels bad. If she doesn't post as often as she'd like to, she feels rushed and overwhelmed.
But she is now attempting to relax about all this and remember some very vital points.
1. Writing isn't everything. There's a whole lot more to life than that.
2. It's okay not to comment on every single post she reads...it really is.
3. Consciously reminding herself to take one task at a time, instead of focusing on EVERYTHING at once, is the best way to go. (Thanks again for that advice, Rosie! :))
So to wrap this up, Miss March would like me to say how extremely grateful she is--to all of you--for bearing with her in all her silliness.
(...And yes, I am going to stop referring to myself in the third person eventually. Maybe when I start being sensible, and there isn't such an urgent need to distance myself from myself. If you know what I mean. Haha!)
Until next time...
2. It's okay not to comment on every single post she reads...it really is.
3. Consciously reminding herself to take one task at a time, instead of focusing on EVERYTHING at once, is the best way to go. (Thanks again for that advice, Rosie! :))
So to wrap this up, Miss March would like me to say how extremely grateful she is--to all of you--for bearing with her in all her silliness.
(...And yes, I am going to stop referring to myself in the third person eventually. Maybe when I start being sensible, and there isn't such an urgent need to distance myself from myself. If you know what I mean. Haha!)
Until next time...
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I hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas season! |
This is your charming crazy here. ;)
ReplyDeleteThis was so fun to read.
Personally, I actually like that you refer to yourself in third-person. It's different and adds a lightheartedness that I like to your posts.
I can't wait for 'next time'. Whether it be a Christmas post or if it comes after the holidays!
Merry Christmas,
Haha! Charming Crazy. I like that! It's fun being crazies together! ;)
DeleteOh, Cordy. Thank you for all your kind words. You're so sweet. The fact that you described my posts as "lighthearted" really thrills me--because I do very much want my blog to be a cheerful place. :) Thank you for that.
Merry Christmas, Cordy! :) Have a WONDERFUL Christmas week!
~Miss March
Glad the advice worked, Miss March!! Breathing worked for me as well. I have FINISHED the history paper that was hanging over my head and now I feel ready to tackle anything! (Oh gee, it's only a week till Christmas and I haven't finished a single present for anyone yet. I'd better get cracking now that I'm on break. *silently freaks out*)
ReplyDeleteOkay, ready to tackle ALMOST anything :P
Rosie, your comment made me smile so much! :D "...now I feel ready to tackle anything!...*silently freaks out* Okay, ready to tackle ALMOST anything." Haha! That sounds so much like me. :)
DeleteDo you buy/make presents for all your family members? 'Cause if that's the case I can totally understand why you might freak out a little. :) That's a lot of presents to finish in just a week's time.
By the way, I like your new profile picture. Is it from a movie?
~Miss March
Haha, yes, that's how I feel right now :) I usually make all of my presents. Sometimes I buy them but it's hard to find the right things for the right people at the right price, you know, and I am raaaaaaaather low on MONEY right now :P So this year I'm making all of my presents. I'm very good at making things, it's just that we have so many people in our family and there is so little time left before Christmas. I normally make presents way ahead of time, but this year I was way to busy with school to do that. So that's why I'm freaking out :D
DeleteOh I'm glad you like my picture! It's a picture of Rey from the new Star Wars movie. She's actually a really nice character, very smart and practical, yet sweet and kind. I love her a lot. And I look a little like that too, so I thought I'd change :)
Now I've got to run! I need to finish a short story I'm writing. *shhhhh* I'm planning to print it out and cover and bind it nicely and give it to several members of my family. Isn't that a good idea? It saves time, they love my stories, and I can make it look real nice and special! I think they'll love it :)
Oh, I'm sure I would be freaking out, too, if I were you. Actually I am freaking out a bit but it's about other things, not making presents. I'm supposed to make cookies sometime today, and I wanted to get some writing done, and I have presents to wrap, and wash to fold, and...yeah, I can always find something to freak out about! Haha! :D
DeleteI've never seen Star Wars, but I like the picture! And she looks a little bit like you? That's so cool!
Oh, Rosie! That is an EXCELLENT idea for a present!! My older sister did that one year for my little brother and he LOVED it! Good luck with finishing up your projects! Christmas is TOMORROW already!! Where has the time gone?
Merry Christmas!
Yeah, I can always find something to freak out about too :)
DeleteOH, I'm glad you like the story idea! I'm really excited! I think they're going to like it a lot! Thanks! I hope you get your baking and wrapping done on time, too :) Have a Merry Christmas!!
Thanks, Rosie. We didn't quite get all our baking done--sort of did a half job of it--but it's okay. We didn't really need anymore cookies anyway. ;)
DeleteDid you get all your projects done in time?
Thanks! Oh, I know what you mean; it's very easy to make too much dessert :P
DeleteYes, I got all my projects done! My family loved the story I wrote :) And they gave me lots of lovely presents too! I got many things, but I think my favorite present was the Tangled DVD I got. I AM IN A CLOUD OF BLISS AND EVERYTHING IS AMAZING. I mean to say, TANGLED!! Oh, of course there's the small matter that I've got the 'flu, which led to earache and exhaustion. But all in all, I'm having a Happy Holiday :)
Happy New Year!!
Flu, earache, and exhaustion? Oh, Rosie! I do hope you feel better soon. I've never had a full-blown earache myself but some of my siblings have, and from what I've heard it's not at all pleasant. :( I'm glad you're managing to have a happy Holiday, though, despite not feeling well.
DeleteI kind of get the feeling that you like Tangled! Heehee! :) That's so neat that you recieved the DVD for Christmas! Do you like Tangled or Frozen better? I think Frozen is my favorite of the two, but then I'm not a huge fan of 3D animation in general, so I'm pretty hard to please when it comes to those kinds of movies. :)
I'm so glad you were able to get all your projects done and that everyone liked your story! That must be a very rewarding feeling! :)
Happy New Year to you, too, Rosie! I hope this turns out to be a delightful year for you!
~Miss March
Yeeeeeeeeah, well, that's right, earache isn't fun. It didn't last too long but it was very intense while it did. So I'm glad to be rid of it. And right now I'm recovering pretty well from the 'flu. Hurrah! Although of course I have to do things slowly and all that. Today is the last day of 2015 and I am rayther satisfied with what I've accomplished :) It helps a lot, that feeling.
DeleteYes!!! I LOVE TANGLED. I've never actually watched Frozen or Tangled All The Way Through, but I love them both so much. I think it might be a tie between them, although I may like Tangled a hair better just because it's so lighthearted and humorous :)
Yes, it's a GREAT feeling. Just scrumptious!
Aw, thanks! I hope it's a wonderful year for you too :)
Miss March,
ReplyDeleteI've been on holidays for a fortnight and am trying to catch up on all the posts I missed - so this comment is really reviewing the last three posts you did. :) Firstly, I love your header, it's adorable! All those pictures look like something out of a gorgeous book! And the snow and everything...it is very well done indeed. :)
Secondly, I'm sorry to hear you went a little crazy for awhile, but I'm very happy to hear you've recovered from that and am now ready to live your life with a somewhat relaxed, sane mind. And also, everything you said I agree with completely. I feel like I have to comment only a couple days after I read something, or I'm behind. OR that if I don't comment, it's so TERRIBLE of me. :P Dear me, we overthink things way too much, don't we? ;)
Thirdly, I hope you will put up some Christmas posts because I would love to read them! I can't believe Christmas is in THREE DAYS TIME!!! I might go crazy with excitement. ;P
Anyway, thanks for that bunny picture at the end - I really needed it. No, really. It's adorable. I'm feeling overwhelmed a little at the moment, with all these things to do, and having a simple, sweet picture is very calming. :P (Am I crazy? Maybe I should go....)
I enjoyed the post, even if you talked in third person or not. :D
~Miss Meg
Aww, Miss Meg. It's so wonderful to hear from you! You've been away for the holidays? How delightful! Did you have a good time? (That was probably a silly question! Haha!) :)
DeleteThank you. I'm so glad you like the header. :) And I know, aren't those pictures adorable? They were so cute I just had to use them. :)
You feel that way, too? Oh, Miss Meg. I sympathize with you GREATLY! You and I seem to like to be very thorough in our comments, too...like a short comment isn't quite good enough?...and I'm sure that adds some pressure as well. But don't stress out. It really is okay not to comment on every single post. I have to keep telling myself that. (And yes, I'd say we definitely overthink things way too much. ;))
Oh, I will certainly try to get some Christmas posts up before Christmas. I have two started, and ideas for a couple more in my head, so I very much want to get them done. But we'll see how it goes. I really don't have much time left! YIKES! Christmas is coming up SO fast! :D
Really? Well, then I'm extremely glad I included it. And no, I don't think you're at all crazy, my dear. :) Sometimes it's the simplest things that perk us up and relieve the stress. Do try to relax and enjoy your Christmas week!
~Miss March
Awww, I'm so glad you're feeling better. :) Keep on! I know that with each hard moment you can get through, you'll be stronger for the next. Not that it's nice knowing moments like that are around the bend but alas, there's life for you. :(
ReplyDeleteBut at least you know Jesus is always there to lift you up and keep you going! <3
Merry Christmas, dear Miss March!
Thank you, Natalie! That is so true. Jesus is always there to lift us up. And I'm so thankful for that, because I'd probably be in a continual state of discouragement and depression, if it wasn't for Him. :)
DeleteThank you, Natalie, for all your kind words and encouragement over the past few months! I'm so glad I met you! Have a VERY merry Christmas!!! :D
~Miss March
Miss March,
DeleteToo true! I absolutely agree. I'd be a wreck without Him, that is for certain.
Aww, it's been my pleasure!! I'm so happy I met you, as well! :D
Thank you, I did! I hope your Christmas was spectacular!
Thank you, it was. :) There was a little stress leading up to it, but the actual day was really good. Lots of time with family! :D
DeleteI'm so glad you had a good Christmas, too!
Glad you're feeling better! I think of blogging as a big room where we can weave in and out of conversations. I only speak where I feel like speaking, and assume others do the same. :) So just comment of a blog inspires a comment. No need to enforce it -- that's no fun! I'm often bogged down with homework. I don't feel at all guilty for getting quiet. The blogging is just for fun when I have time. The blog is an accessory, not a chore. Like a scarf! To be worn when it goes with the outfit. :) Okay, I'm stretching the metaphor a bit. Anyway, only blog when it's fun, and only comment when you have something to say. Is my advice. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the advice, Jillian. I really appreciate it! I do have a tendency to make things into chores when they're supposed to be fun, so it was really good to be reminded that blogging doesn't have to be that way. Thank you SO much!
DeleteMerry Christmas!
~Miss March