Saturday, January 26, 2019

Well, I'm back

And I figured I'd better just plunge right in and not even bother trying to catch you up on all that's been going on with me because 1) there's been a lot and I'm overwhelmed at the thought of writing it all down, 2) you probably don't care all that much anyway, and 3) it takes time to write it all down.  And as they say, "time is money" -- and money is something I'm certainly not rolling in at the moment (coughcough).
I have three things I wish to say today.
First off...HELLO!!!  (Because, I mean, why not?  That's always a good place to start.  Polite and friendly and all that.)  Also, I want to apologize for falling off the face of the earth and being silent for so long--but at the same time, I'm not really sorry because I think the break was good for me and something that I very much needed.  I am hoping to get back into a more regular schedule of blogging, but we'll see how it goes. Until then please drop by and say hello because I'd love to catch up with you. 
Secondly, my dear friend Cordy is hosting her Lovely Blog Party again this February.  It's all about favorite fictional couples and you are most welcome to join in the fun!  Just head over to Cordy's blog here and read all about this delightful event. 
Thirdly and finally, I changed my blog design again, and I'm rather happy with how it turned out.  I struggle with deciding what to put on my sidebar, so I'm not entirely pleased with that but I do rather love the header and the background and all the colorful colors.  What do you all think?

Until next time!

I remain yours very truly,
Miss March


  1. Welcome back, Miss March! :) Your new design is might even say it's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!! (Yes I had to look up how to spell that one.)

    1. Thanks, Anna! It's good to be back. :) (Haha, I would have had to look it up, too. ;))

  2. You're back!! <3
    And about the new look--I LOVE IT!!! It's so very cheery!!

    1. Yes! At last! *grins* (I'm really hoping I can manage to stick around, too, because I've missed blogging...and all my dear blogging friends. <3)
      Aw, I'm so glad you like it!! That makes me really happy. :D :D

  3. So lovely to see you back Miss March!!! I love the new look!!! It's Practically Perfect in Every way!! ;)

    1. Thank you so much!! It's great to be back. :D I've missed you guys! <3 <3

  4. Hi, Miss March!!!

    So lovely to see a post from you again. :)
    I am loving the Mary Poppins theme, here! I agree with Cordy: it is very cheery! (Btw, what did you think of Mary Poppins Returns?--assuming you saw it. Or were you one of those fans who just couldn't bear to see it?)

    1. Elanor!!! How ARE you? It's so good to hear from you!

      Aw, thanks! I'm so glad you like it. :D (I haven't seen Mary Poppins Returns yet. I've seen some clips and I would like to see the whole thing at some point...but I have to admit I'll probably go into it ready and prepared to dislike it because that's just how I am. But who knows? Maybe it will surprise me and I'll actually end up liking it. Have you seen it? What did you think of it?)


    I like your blog design very much. The header and background are gorgeous, and the colors are so vibrant (like you said), and the Mary Poppins theme is fun. (Especially how you have the "With every job that must be done . . . " part on the sidebar. :D And that font (the one for the post title and sidebar) is really nice, too! What is it?

    Are you going to be participating in the Lovely Blog Party? I do hope so. :D

    Huzzah for your return! :D <3

    1. OLIVIA!!! *tackle hugs* (Maybe it's silly, but it just makes me really happy to be talking to you through the comment section of my blog once again. It's been far too long. :))

      Thank you!! I'm so glad you like it. (And wow, THANK YOU...that was one part of my sidebar that was a little uncertain I sort of liked it but I wasn't sure if it would appear odd to everyone else. You know? Thanks for setting me at ease about that. ;)) The font is called "Sunshiney". Isn't that funny? I didn't pick it because of the name, but it fits rather nicely, don't you think? ;)

      I've thought about it, but I'll have to see what sort of time and inspiration I have.

      :D :D

    2. (Awwwww!! *tackle hugs back* It's not silly at all. It makes me happy, too. :D)

      I do indeed! (Oh, good, I'm glad I mentioned it, then. :)) Neat! Haha, that's fun how that worked out . . .


  6. There you are!!! I missed your "goodbye" post and was very sad because I didn't know what happened to you! But I'm so glad that you're back and that you had a good break!!!

    1. Oh no! Sorry about that, MovieCritic. But thank you so much for sticking around...despite the disappearing act. That means a lot to me. :)

      How have you been? I hope well!

  7. I am so very glad to find that you have returned!!! Although I've never commented before, I've been reading your blog off and on for the last few years, and just a few months ago when I started reading through some of your older posts and really loving your blog, you said goodbye. *sad face*

    So needless to say, I did a little happy dance when I saw this post! Welcome back!!! I'm really looking forward to your future posts! :-)

    Love the new look & cheerful color palette! <3

    ~ Catie

    1. Hello, Catie!! An enormous welcome to you! I can't tell you how delighted I was to get your comment. (I'll admit, it kind of made my day! :D) It's fun to realize that there are people reading my blog that I haven't met yet, and always a pleasure to finally meet them. Thank you so much for commenting!

      And thank you! I'm so pleased you like the new look. :)

      ~Miss March

  8. Miss March Returns! (and how nicely it coincides with the Mary Poppins theme) I'm having a good giggle over it myself :)
    I saw the "Well, I'm Back" and then that picture of Dick van Dyke...and let's just say no other picture would have been quite as good.
    I'm looking forward to more sunshininess!

    ~ Miss Elizabeth

    1. Haha, that's true! I hadn't even thought of that! :D

      Thanks! I'm happy you think so. I do love it when I can find just the right picture! :)

      :D :D

      ~Miss March
