Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A Random Little Rhyme for a Random Little Time (Don't tell me. I know. That was a silly title for a post.)

But anyway,  what does it matter?  This is a silly post.  Silly title.  Silly post.  They go together, right?  Right. (Well, well, well...sorry, I just got this silly song in my head.  Don't worry, though, I won't go there.  A silly post and a silly title is quite enough silliness for one day.  No need to overdo it by adding silly singing to the mix. ;))
Anyway!  On to the point of this post.  My brother was skimming through a poem book by Ogden Nash last night and he came across this poem.  Naturally, my sister and I were curious to know what it was about when we heard him laughing over it, and so he agreed to read it aloud to us.  I found it highly amusing.  And I hope you will, too, because that's why I'm here-- to share it with you. (Oh, that's alright.  Don't mention it.  I like to share.)    
That Hat's Got my Tongue
By Ogden Nash

A girl, oh a girl is a wonderful thing,
And so I am happy to say is spring,
And a girl in spring is the absolute works
But for one conspicuous item that irks:

That hat.


A girl in spring is a skylark's hymn,
An evensong in a cloister dim,
A moon in June and a dove in love,
But why the discordant detail above:
That hat?

The crocuses put their best feet foremost,
The softest, tenderest raindrops pour most,
Nature walks forth in a robe of dawn,
And you, my love, what do you put on?
That hat.

Purple the lilac and green the oaks,
Is spring the time for a milliner's hoax?
Your taste, methought, simply hibernated;
But what did I get when for spring I waited?
That hat.

A girl, oh a girl is a wonderful thing,
And so I am happy to say is spring,
And you are what I adore the sight of;
That hat is what I adore you in spite of--
Take it off and let's jump on it!

Have a lovely spring day, my friends! (With no hats.)
Miss March


  1. Oh goodness! THOSE HATS!!

    Ahhh...this poem was SO funny! :D Thanks for sharing, Miss March!

    1. I know! Aren't they crazy? :)

      Oh, you're more than welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D

  2. HahaHA! That IS funny--and the accompanying pictures were perfection. Wonderful silly post, Miss March! You have a lovely spring day as well!

  3. Oh, hey, I know the poet Ogden Nash! :D For school Mum made us memorize poems, and one of them we memorized (ages ago) was this one:
    by Ogden Nash
    Celery raw
    Develops the jaw;
    But celery stewed
    Is more quietly chewed."
    Hehehe. ;) But my, that is an amusing poem! The best part was BY FAR the 'take it off and let's jump on it!' Haha! That sounds like a little boy. ;P

    Most amusing! Most amusing! ;D
    ~Miss Meg

    1. Oh! I recognize the "Celery" poem. I think we had that one in school, too. :)

      Haha. It does sound like a little boy, doesn't it? So funny! I liked that line, too. :)

  4. I LOVE IT! Perfect pairing of poem and pictures.

  5. BWHAHA. This is so funny, and especially WITH THOSE PICTURES. Clever clever.

    1. Haha! I'm glad you found it amusing, Naomi! And yes, the pictures! I had a lot of fun with those. :)

  6. Heeheehee :) So funny! Hats really can be atrocious can't they? I especially loved the last line!

    1. Yes. They certainly can. Haha. I know! That last line is hilarious! And those hats would probably be a lot of fun to jump on, too. ;)

  7. Heehee, what a funny poem...but I love hats! I only have one, but I still love hats. They're beautiful. (Ok, except for some of the ones shown. Although I do love those photos. :))

    1. Oh, I agree! Hats are really cool. It would be sort of neat if we still wore hats as a regular thing, wouldn't it? Though not hats like this, of course. That would be a bit too ridiculous for my taste. :P Haha. (Yeah, aren't they lovely? I was really thrilled to find so many good ones to go along with this post.)

    2. Yes, indeed! But you're right. I'd want to wear lovely little 1940's hats or floppy sun hats (that are big, but not huge ;))....or perhaps even some regency bonnets! :D

    3. Oh! Regency bonnets! Those would be adorable. :)
