Monday, April 29, 2019

Four years of blogging // Plus a random life update because...why not?

Hello, my friends!  I find myself once again in the position of feeling that perhaps an explanation for my absence would be in order at this juncture...but on the other hand we've all been so busy lately and the blogging world isn't the happening place it used to be and I'm afraid I've sort of created the habit already of not being a very regular blogger, so perhaps in the end you all really didn't notice that I've not been around much so...whatever.  I really didn't need to say all that and you really didn't need to hear it, but I did and you did so let's live with it and move on, okay?

What I really came here for today was to commemorate the fourth year anniversary of Sunshiny Corner!  Yes, the dear little place that you've all grown so found of (or perhaps sick of...or indifferent to...or whatever it may be) is now a whopping four years old.  And when I say whopping I mean that as if four years was a very long time indeed.  But honestly, when I really think about it, it doesn't seem all that long at all.  In fact, it seems like it ought to have been longer than four years ago that I published my first post.  Time is a funny thing.  It really is.

But anyway, it's that time of year so I should do my typical blogging stats, I suppose.  (This is mostly for my own sake because I like to keep records of things.  Not that I've actually gone back much and reviewed these records, but still I may want to someday.  You never know.) 

Pageviews:  45, 495
Number of Posts Published: 151 (Wow!  I only wrote ten posts this past year.  I hadn't realized.  But that settles it, my whole spiel at the beginning of this post was totally unnecessary.  I should be explaining my presence in the blogging world, not my absence.  Good grief.)
Top five most viewed posts: 
Followers: 65

All right.  So.  Yeah.  That was cool.  *shrugs* 

Happy birthday, Sunshiny Corner.  We're all very thrilled about this grand event.  We really are.  In fact, the more I talk about it the more thrilled I thrilled in fact that...(excuse me, I just had to yawn for a second)...  

Where was I?  Oh yeah, we were celebrating.  Nice, well, that was fun.  


Now onto the random life update.


What's been going on in Miss March's life this past year?

Well, quite a bit actually.  In fact, this has been a most eventful year indeed.  Let's see if we can't sort of split it up by month or something and give this post the bit of structure it is thus far sadly lacking.

May 2018:
NATALIE AND OLIVIA CAME TO VISIT ME!!  And it was one of the grandest, most amazingly fun times of the year.  (See our group post here for further information.)

June 2018:  
Dear me, I'm not sure what happened in June.  Let's just say it was mostly a combination of working at the motel during the day and watching Boy Meets World during the evening.  That's probably pretty accurate.  :P

July 2018: 
More twenty hour work weeks at the motel (oh so long, so hard, haha!) and more late, late nights of Boy Meets World (oh so long, so fun!). niece was born!!!!  Super fun times! :D :D

August 2018:
"More work at the motel?  More Boy Meets World?"  Why yes!  However did you guess???

September-December 2018:
1) I got facebook and made a step toward the modern age.  (Don't worry though, it didn't last long.  I got rid of it at the beginning of 2019 and settled back into my previously old-fashioned ways.  And I feel much better about that.  ;)) 

2) I flew out of the country for the first time in my life.  I went to a Bible school in England with a bunch of perfect strangers.  I learned to talk and initiate conversations with said perfect strangers.  However, I also found homesickness to be a very real thing, and making friends (real friends) a very difficult thing.  I wanted to go home.  I didn't want to do this school thing for the next six months.  But I doubted myself.  Would I be forever branded as a quitter if I didn't finish?  Would I be making the wrong decision?  I have a tendency to worry that the thing I don't want to do is most likely the thing God wants me to do and vice versa.  So it was a struggle.  Many days and nights of crying and asking God, "What should I do?  Should I go home?  Should I stick it out?"  And yet my heart just kept crying out to go home.  And so I finally made the decision.  I would go home for Christmas break as planned, and then not return for the second half.  And oh my! There was huge relief in making that decision.  I had a sense of God saying to me that it was okay.  And a huge, huge sense of His love and care for me in that moment which was truly beautiful and encouraging.

Of course...haha, once I'd made my decision then I started to make some real friends.  Which sent me into a bit of a tailspin, second guessing myself again since I was now finding that being at school was not quite so unbearable as it had been before.  Did that mean I should actually come back for the second half????  (Oh the agony of self doubt!) But in the end, God gave me peace in only attending school for three months, and looking back on it now I am so, so grateful that things worked out the way they did.  I can see His hand in it all the way.  And I don't regret those three months of school either.  Just because I didn't finish doesn't mean the time I had there was wasted.  Oh indeed not!  I truly believe I grew a lot in those three months.  I see it as having been a really great time of learning to lean on God and trust Him even during those confusing times when you have no clue what it's all for, or where you're headed.  I'm also so grateful for the friendships I made there.  So yeah, that was my September through half of December. 

And then I came home. 

January 2019:  And then it was time to look for a job!  (Oh joy!  Oh ecstasy!)  So I put in an application to a Christian theatre nearby and I had an interview but before I heard was time for some more traveling!  My older sister has always wanted to go to England and she and her best friend had been planning a trip for several months.  I decided to tag along.  So the three of us took a nine day trip to England, Scotland, and Ireland.  We stayed three nights in London, three nights in Edinburgh, and three nights in Dublin, and oh my!! It was such an amazingly fun time.  From taking long extensive walks from one part of the city to another--seeing places I've only ever read about in books or seen in movies--to eating picnic suppers on the floor of our hotel room and staying up late for our nightly viewing of Who Wants to be a Millionaire, to just talking and laughing and greatly enjoying one another's company.  It was wonderful!  And I'm still kind of amazed when I think about it.  I've been to England, Scotland, and Ireland!! Those have always been the three countries that I wanted to visit, and I've done it!  Wow.  Life really does take you places you never expected to go.

February 2019:  When we got home from our European tour, I found that I had not gotten the job at the Christian theatre.  Which was disappointing.  (Rejection is never a fun thing.)  But whatever.  You kind of have to just take it on the chin, and move onto the next thing.  So I did.  I put in an application to Aldi and Chick-fil-A and got interviews for both places.  Chick-fil-A, to my utmost surprise, called me back and offered me a job the same day I had my interview.  So I took it.  A full time job.  I, Miss March, (the one who has stressed out so many times over the few little hours I was working outside the home) have my first full time job!  And wonder of wonders, it hasn't really been all that stressful!  Not like so many of my others jobs anyway.  Though I think I've come to realize that the reason my other jobs were so stressful was probably greatly owing to the fact that they were part time jobs and so I wasn't there often enough to really become proficient at the work.  Anyway, I've been at Chick-fil-A for two months now and it really has been a great place to work.  My managers and coworkers are all super encouraging and supportive and that helps a lot.  So yes, I am grateful for my new job. (For the reasons mentioned above...and other reasons, too.  ;))

March-April 2019:  March and April and have actually been rather eventful in and of themselves, but I'm afraid that's going to have to be a story for another day, because goodness! This post is long enough already, don't you think? 

So yeah.  That's a bit of an update on my current life situation.  And now I want to hear from all of you!  How have you been?  What have you been up to?  I feel like I haven't heard from a lot of you in a long time.  Let's talk, shall we?

Most sincerely yours,
Miss March (a.k.a. Alyssa)


  1. It's so nice to read a post from you again, Miss March!

    I'm so happy to hear that you were able to find peace with your decision about Bible school. Isn't it amazing how God can use experiences like that, no matter how short- lived, to grow us and draw us nearer to Him? I had a similar experience when I attended college on-campus last semester. I really, really thought it was the right thing for me, but shortly after I got there, I just realized it wasn't what God wanted for me. I was tempted to feel like my time spent on-campus was all a waste of time, but I know that if I hadn't had that experience, I would never have felt the peace that I have now about taking classes online. :)

    Okay, your trip to Europe sounds AMAZING. I might be just a tad bit envious. ;P But seriously, that's so awesome that you were able to check that dream vacation off your bucket-list!

    That's crazy that you're currently working full-time at Chick-fil-A, because I've worked there for over a year now! Well, this will actually be my last full week working there, since I've accepted a job elsewhere. But anywho, I'm so glad that you've been enjoying it! Even though things got stressful sometimes at CFA (we are busy ALL. THE. TIME.), I've really learned a lot and grown a lot through working there. :)

    1. Thanks, Molly! It's great to get a comment from you! :)

      Oh my yes! It is truly amazing! God is so good! <3 Aww, I hear ya! I can totally understand why you might feel that your time on campus was wasted. It's rough when plans change and you don't end up doing what you had originally thought was the right decision. Still, you're so right, it wasn't wasted! And that is the truth!! I'm so God has given you peace about the decision to do online classes. That's wonderful!! :D

      Oh, it really was! Honestly, sometimes when I think about it, it still seems somewhat surreal that I actually travled to Europe. Like what even! Is Europe one of those places that you'd like to travel to someday?

      WHAT? Really? That's so funny! Oh but I know what you mean about the business of it. It is CRAZY sometimes. We've actually been having some rather slow days lately which has been weird, but yeah, there are times when it's absolutely ridiculous how many people are hungry for chicken sandwhiches, haha!! ;P Did you work out front at Chick-fil-A or in the back? I work out front, and though it can get stressful sometimes (doing headset for drivethrough, oh my! what a job!) I do enjoy it quite a lot for the most part. What's your new job going to be?

    2. Yes, Europe is definitely one of my dream travel destinations! One day, one day... :)

      I only ever worked up front at Chick-fil-A or outside taking orders in the drive-thru. I was never in the back, which was nice because I like being able to look out the window and talk to people, haha. ;) Oh goodness, drive thru headset is a nightmare! I only did it a couple of times, but once when I was on it I was so nervous that I spilled an iced coffee all over the counter within 10 minutes of starting! ;P My new job is at Whole Foods Market! I'll be working as a part-time cashier and I'm so excited. :D

    3. Oh! I do hope you're able to go someday then! That would be awesome!

      Did you actually take orders outside? That's interesting. We take payment outside sometimes on the busy days, but I'd never heard of taking orders from outside. How does that work?

      Yeah, I'm kind of glad not to be in the back, too. Though I do enjoy being back there every now and then when I have to juice lemons or make lemonade or something like that. It's a nice change of pace.

      Isn't it though??? I've dreaded being on headset. It can just get so overwhelming. Too much multitasking!!! My brain can't handle it!! At least, I often feel like it can't, though I have started to notice that I'm feeling a bit more relaxed about it than say a week or two ago. I guess it really does get better with practice.

      Oh how nice! I think being a cashier could be really fun! I hope you enjoy it! :)

  2. Happy 4th blogiversary, m'dear! I'm so glad you started blogging <3

    THE VISIT. *big hugs* <3 <3 <3

    "I have a tendency to worry that the thing I don't want to do is most likely the thing God wants me to do and vice versa." I RELATE SO MUCH. We'll have to talk. But for now, yes. I feel you. You're not alone, friend. <3

    Ahh, it was fun getting a few more details about the Europe trip with the girls. It sounds like you had a marvelous time and I'm glad. :)

    "...and other reasons, too." ;D <3

    1. Thank you!! And oh my, I'm SO glad I started blogging, too!! Seriously, just think if I hadn't!! I would never have met you or Natalie and we would never have had our wonderful, wonderful little threesome. What a horrible thought! I'm so glad God had different plans and allowed for us to become friends!!! :D

      YEEEEES!! *returns hugs* <3 <3 <3

      Hmmm...sounds like further material for our deep talks. I can't wait! :)

      Oh we really did! I wish I could show you pictures but they're all on my sister's phone and I'm not quite sure how to transfer them properly. :(

      Heehee. ;)

  3. Whoa, fourth blogoversary!!! That is incredible. It is always so much fun to read your posts. :D

    That sounds like such a spectacular trip! I was able to go on a big international trip last October and it was so much fun!

    Jobs are needed, but sometimes the worst. XD They can be so stressful! I'm so glad that you have found one that works for you! I'm still looking...

    Anyway, a super big hug to you!

    1. Thank you, MovieCritic! I'm so glad you enjoy them. :)

      Oh! Where did you go??!!

      I know! Sometimes I just really wish I didn't have to work! But at the same time I guess I would probably feel bored and aimless if I didn't have a job. It's probably good for me! :) What sort of job are you looking for?

      Thank you so much for your comment! *hugs you back*
